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Warna Ramadhan, di upload tanggal 30 Juli 2011
Tips Ramadhan Cartoons
Ramadhan isn't just about not eating/ drinking, but Ramadhan is a holy month for you to collect as much deen as possible, and to also UPGRADE yourself as a better Muslim.
So set a MISSION* for yourself!
* Not to miss tarawikh prayers, finish up reading the quran, less gossiping, no futsal sessions, spend more time knowing about Islam, wear moderately / put hijab on,etc etc etc
As for me, my mission is to put worldly entertainment aside for the Holy month; so no music, no L4D2 and no manga. Instead, I'll fill it up with deen-licious stuff
SO set a mission, and make sure to commit it till the end of Ramadhan!
“As for those who strive hard in Our Cause, We will surely guide them to Our Paths.” (29:69)
"The righteous people compete for good deeds, while the others are captives of their lusts and slaves to their desires." -
Ramadhan isn't just about not eating/ drinking, but Ramadhan is a holy month for you to collect as much deen as possible, and to also UPGRADE yourself as a better Muslim.
So set a MISSION* for yourself!
* Not to miss tarawikh prayers, finish up reading the quran, less gossiping, no futsal sessions, spend more time knowing about Islam, wear moderately / put hijab on,etc etc etc
As for me, my mission is to put worldly entertainment aside for the Holy month; so no music, no L4D2 and no manga. Instead, I'll fill it up with deen-licious stuff
SO set a mission, and make sure to commit it till the end of Ramadhan!
“As for those who strive hard in Our Cause, We will surely guide them to Our Paths.” (29:69)
"The righteous people compete for good deeds, while the others are captives of their lusts and slaves to their desires." -
Pick up your Quran and read, read, read. Reading the Quran
is so magical that you'll be absorbed into it, masyallah
There are many ways and time for you to recite a page or two... why not pat your cat while reading the holy book?
As Allah said in the Holy Quran:
"The month of Ramadan is the one in which the Quran was sent down, a guidance for mankind, clear proofs for the guidance, the Criterion; so whoever amongst you witnesses this month, let him fast it." (cf. Surah al-Baqarah 2:185)
And a hadith by At-Tarmidhee:
"Whoever reads a letter from the Book of Allah, he will have a reward. And that reward will be multiplied by ten. I am not saying that “Alif, Laam, Meem” is a letter, rather I am saying that “Alif” is a letter, “laam” is a letter and “meem” is a letter.”
So imagine all those pahala you're gonna get by reading not just one page, but one letter!
If you have no Quran, listen to it instead! I mean, come on, I'm sure your smart phones have one or two verses of the Quran
Make the Quran as your BESTEST friend this Ramadhan, and you'll benefit alot from it insyallah
There are many ways and time for you to recite a page or two... why not pat your cat while reading the holy book?
As Allah said in the Holy Quran:
"The month of Ramadan is the one in which the Quran was sent down, a guidance for mankind, clear proofs for the guidance, the Criterion; so whoever amongst you witnesses this month, let him fast it." (cf. Surah al-Baqarah 2:185)
And a hadith by At-Tarmidhee:
"Whoever reads a letter from the Book of Allah, he will have a reward. And that reward will be multiplied by ten. I am not saying that “Alif, Laam, Meem” is a letter, rather I am saying that “Alif” is a letter, “laam” is a letter and “meem” is a letter.”
So imagine all those pahala you're gonna get by reading not just one page, but one letter!
If you have no Quran, listen to it instead! I mean, come on, I'm sure your smart phones have one or two verses of the Quran
Make the Quran as your BESTEST friend this Ramadhan, and you'll benefit alot from it insyallah
You know what the Dua' is; you know the times when you ask God for His
forgiveness and mercy? And those times when you're lonely and sad and you ask
Him to give you happiness? Or even the time when your Mum was ill and you asked
Him to cure her because you couldn't see her suffering?
That's Dua'.
To put it simple, Dua's are wishes. And Allah is able to grant ANYTHING. Yes, ANYTHING.
"And your Lord says: Pray unto me: and I will hear your prayer" (40:60)
"Is not He (best) who listens to the (soul) distressed when it calls on Him, and who relieves its suffering." (27:62)
Dua's made may not be granted ASAP, but it will surely be granted. BELIEVE in that.
So from asking for the ever wonderful Heaven, to having the most awesome partner; MAKE DUA'. Loads and loads of them. In fact, don't forget to make Dua' for your family, friends, and even the ones you don't know.
And make dua' wherever and whenever you are!
Let's say "Amin" for all the beautiful dua's we make.
To put it simple, Dua's are wishes. And Allah is able to grant ANYTHING. Yes, ANYTHING.
"And your Lord says: Pray unto me: and I will hear your prayer" (40:60)
"Is not He (best) who listens to the (soul) distressed when it calls on Him, and who relieves its suffering." (27:62)
Dua's made may not be granted ASAP, but it will surely be granted. BELIEVE in that.
So from asking for the ever wonderful Heaven, to having the most awesome partner; MAKE DUA'. Loads and loads of them. In fact, don't forget to make Dua' for your family, friends, and even the ones you don't know.
And make dua' wherever and whenever you are!
Let's say "Amin" for all the beautiful dua's we make.
What is worse than Death? Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim has said:
"Wasting time is worse than death, because death separates you from this world whereas wasting time separates you from Allah"
In Islam, time is EVERYTHING. How you spend your time determines on how a good (or a bad) Muslim you are.
Another year has passed; minutes move into hours => into days => into weeks => into months => into years - seemingly faster than ever; so are we spending our time wisely?
Time is EXTRA SPECIAL in Ramadhan, for it's a special month and we as Muslims are encouraged to spend the time on doing good deeds that will insyallah help us to Paradise
It's already the ninth day of Ramadhan so make a point to utlize your time VERY wisely!
Instead of sleeping after breaking your fast, go to the mosque and perform tarawikh prayers,
Instead of playing Mafia or Farmville on Facebook, spread good dakwah,
Instead of hanging out with friends, have a Tilawah and read Quran together
Instead of shooting zombies or playing games, make sunnat prayers,
Instead of watching hours of movies, make countless duas,
And so on and so forth.
So before you pick up that PSP this Ramadhan, think about the time you might possibly waste.
"Tick tock, tick tock"
Quran, Al-Asr (The Time):
"By Al-Asr (the time)."
"Verily! Man is in loss,"
"Except those who believe (in Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth which Allah has ordained, and abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds (Al-Munkar) which Allah has forbidden), and recommend one another to patience (for the sufferings, harms, and injuries which one may encounter in Allahs Cause during preaching His religion of Islamic Monotheism"
What is worse than Death? Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim has said:
"Wasting time is worse than death, because death separates you from this world whereas wasting time separates you from Allah"
In Islam, time is EVERYTHING. How you spend your time determines on how a good (or a bad) Muslim you are.
Another year has passed; minutes move into hours => into days => into weeks => into months => into years - seemingly faster than ever; so are we spending our time wisely?
Time is EXTRA SPECIAL in Ramadhan, for it's a special month and we as Muslims are encouraged to spend the time on doing good deeds that will insyallah help us to Paradise
It's already the ninth day of Ramadhan so make a point to utlize your time VERY wisely!
Instead of sleeping after breaking your fast, go to the mosque and perform tarawikh prayers,
Instead of playing Mafia or Farmville on Facebook, spread good dakwah,
Instead of hanging out with friends, have a Tilawah and read Quran together
Instead of shooting zombies or playing games, make sunnat prayers,
Instead of watching hours of movies, make countless duas,
And so on and so forth.
So before you pick up that PSP this Ramadhan, think about the time you might possibly waste.
"Tick tock, tick tock"
Quran, Al-Asr (The Time):
"By Al-Asr (the time)."
"Verily! Man is in loss,"
"Except those who believe (in Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth which Allah has ordained, and abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds (Al-Munkar) which Allah has forbidden), and recommend one another to patience (for the sufferings, harms, and injuries which one may encounter in Allahs Cause during preaching His religion of Islamic Monotheism"
“The first matter that the slave will be brought to account for on the Day of
Judgment is the prayer. If it is sound, then the rest of his deeds will be
sound. And if it is incomplete, then the rest of his deeds will be incomplete.”
Solat, or prayers in Islam is EXTREMELY, AWESOMELY important that it shapes a Muslim. It keeps us away from sins, as God has stated:
“Verily, the prayer keeps one from the great sins and evil deeds” (29:45) And by praying, God erases sins too!
“If a person had a stream outside his door and he bathed in it five times a day, do you think he would have any filth left on him?” The people said, “No filth would remain on him whatsoever.” The Prophet then said, “That is like the five daily prayers: God wipes away the sins by them.” (Bukhari and Muslim)
Personally, I find praying to be relaxing and magical. Tho' I'm not -very- kusyu' (improving, insyallah), I would always tell myself that when I'm praying, I am the closest to Allah. (In fact, when Muslims sujud/sujdah, they are the closest to Allah)
To those who have been praying for Allah, I wish you GOOD JOB and may Allah grant you with unlimited rewards and Paradise; Let's all improvise our solat!
And to those who have not been praying very much or not at all, tell yourself that you gotta START NOW (Yes, now!), and Ramadhan is the perfect time to do it for devils are chained. Give yourself a little credit and a push! You are a Muslim after all!
And don't forget to seek Allah for forgiveness for all the salat and prayers you have missed. He surely listens
"Say: O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [Sûrah al-Zumar: 53]
Let's all be better Muslims, AMIN.
Solat, or prayers in Islam is EXTREMELY, AWESOMELY important that it shapes a Muslim. It keeps us away from sins, as God has stated:
“Verily, the prayer keeps one from the great sins and evil deeds” (29:45) And by praying, God erases sins too!
“If a person had a stream outside his door and he bathed in it five times a day, do you think he would have any filth left on him?” The people said, “No filth would remain on him whatsoever.” The Prophet then said, “That is like the five daily prayers: God wipes away the sins by them.” (Bukhari and Muslim)
Personally, I find praying to be relaxing and magical. Tho' I'm not -very- kusyu' (improving, insyallah), I would always tell myself that when I'm praying, I am the closest to Allah. (In fact, when Muslims sujud/sujdah, they are the closest to Allah)
To those who have been praying for Allah, I wish you GOOD JOB and may Allah grant you with unlimited rewards and Paradise; Let's all improvise our solat!
And to those who have not been praying very much or not at all, tell yourself that you gotta START NOW (Yes, now!), and Ramadhan is the perfect time to do it for devils are chained. Give yourself a little credit and a push! You are a Muslim after all!
And don't forget to seek Allah for forgiveness for all the salat and prayers you have missed. He surely listens
"Say: O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [Sûrah al-Zumar: 53]
Let's all be better Muslims, AMIN.
r fasting after missing all the meals (breakfast, lunch, etc) but the fact is, your stomach can only consume little!
So what happens with the left over food on the table and on your plate?
You tend to throw them away in the garbage.
Ramadhan teaches us to be grateful, but very often our nafs' takes over. Every grain of food and every drop of water or any halal drink must be greatly appreciated. Wasting is the way of the devil!
"Indeed those who waste are the brothers of syaitan (devil). Verily syaitan was most ungrateful to his Rabb" (17:27).
So to avoid wastage of precious food, one should refrain from cooking too much or buying too much food from bazaars!
If possible, try to avoid those ridiculous Buffet "offers" from hotels and restaurants too. RM65++ (about USD21) for adults and RM35++ (USD11) for kids - SERIOUSLY? They're only ripping your money off!
RM3 to RM5 (USD0.95) would be sufficient for an iftar (if bought from bazaar). RM65++ worth of buffet could feed about 13 other stomachs! Wouldn't it be better to use that access amount of money to feed the orphans?
So for the next remaining days of Ramadhan, let's all try to be more careful when it comes to cooking or buying food for iftar, insyallah.
"... Thus, God does not change the condition of any people unless they themselves make the decision to change..." (13:11)
So by sitting down idly or doing nothing, why not give it a thought and try to change something about yourself? Surely everyone isn't perfect, and humans are bound to make mistakes, but there is always room for improvement and change. And by "improvement and change", it means spiritual upgrade
Here are some tips for you to LEVEL UP!
1. Understand that all shall be well. Allah forgives sins for He is All-Understanding and All-Forgiving. Even if you feel that you are already too deep in sin to turn around and become the good Muslim that you truly are.
2. Think of the influences around you. Are they good or are they bad? Are the influences making you turn your back against your religion? If your friends are steering you away from the right path - LEAVE THEM. Your friends cannot grant you Paradise! In fact, bad ones will only drag you to Hell. Think about it.
3. For ladies; if you truly want to change to be a better Muslim, consider wearing a hijab/ veil. The hijab is not just a piece of cloth that covers hair, it changes you mentally and spiritually. Think of it as a way for Allah to protect the women. As soon as you wear the hijab, hopefully, your whole perspective on self-respect and values will automatically change. Not to say that non-hijabis are not protected or enlightened, but you have a better chance of achieving this feeling by wearing the hijab.
4. Pray 5 times a day. It helps you to become a better Muslim!
5. Learn more about Islam. Islam is knowledge, and without the proper knowledge, it's hard for one to truly embrace Islam. The more you know about Islam, the more you will understand and the "beauty" you will discover. Can't afford to buy books? The internet is pretty useful!
6. Ladies, dress modestly. This does not mean that you have to look ugly or not stylish. Just be modest. Wear longer shirts and avoid tank tops and shorts. Stay away from clothes that are too tight. Remember that it is obligatory to cover the whole body except the face and hands. This also helps you to change your whole outlook on what is acceptable and what is not. For the boys, avoid wearing rude or obscene graphic t-shirts.
7. Hang out with good friends! Find those with the same mission: To please Allah and go to Paradise. Good friends would surely want you to enter Paradise, so choose your peers correctly.
8. Believe in yourself! YOU CAN DO IT!
Changing can be rather hard, but it's possible. Make dua' alot!
Knowledge is something very vast, limitless and can be found everywhere. But the question is, have you been seeking knowledge? Or best, have you been seeking spiritual, Islamic knowledge to upgrade your deen and taqwa to Allah?
Most people often think that knowledge only comes from your high school textbooks. WRONG! What you learn from your textbooks isn’t the only source of knowledge! Even those FAQs and “how to upload photo on Facebook” you Google are also considered as knowledge ;D If knowledge is that easy to require, why not learn something new about Islam, your God Allah or even our beloved Prophet Muhammad today?
"Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim." Truer words have never been spoken!
When the Quran began to be revealed, the first word of its first verse was 'Iqra' that is, read. Allah says:
"Read! In the Name of your Lord Who has created (all that exists). He has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood).
Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous. Who has taught (the writing) by the pen. He has taught man that which he knew not" (96: 1-5)
Knowledge is so important that seeking it is a COMMAND from God. He has given you the perfect “tools” to acquire knowledge.
"And Allaah has brought you out from the wombs of your mothers while you know nothing. And He gave you hearing, sight, and hearts that you might give thanks (to Allaah)" (16:78)
And by “tools”; yup, those are your senses! Wise them to the fullest to seek precious knowledge!
Since knowledge is LIMITLESS, how should we, Muslims, know which knowledge is best to acquire first? The most important knowledge that a Muslim must seek is the knowledge of “syirik / shirk” and all that relates to it. You must first learn and understand God and your religion, so know your priorities! Academic and wordly knowledge is as important as we need to live, and knowledge operates how we live (even methods of brushing our teeth requires knowledge, yes?)
And did you know that seeking knowledge is a form of Ibadaah? Paradise waits for knowledge seekers!
"Whoever follows a path in the pursuit of knowledge, Allaah will make a path to Paradise easy for him." (Al-Bukhaari)
Personally, I like gaining knowledge and information about Islam from the interwebz, especially from There are many credible and awesome speakers from all over the world, plus it's more entertaining to see visuals. Look around and you might find really good ones!
(I personality recommend UmmahFilms / Baba Ali - go Google!)
Last words: Don't stop seeking knowledge, even if takes you to China! Imagine yourself holding a BIG empty container or somesort, and each knowledge is represented by a piece of grain. Your mission is to fill up the container as much "grain", so don't ever give up on doing it and while you're at it - have fun!
Knowledge is something very vast, limitless and can be found everywhere. But the question is, have you been seeking knowledge? Or best, have you been seeking spiritual, Islamic knowledge to upgrade your deen and taqwa to Allah?
Most people often think that knowledge only comes from your high school textbooks. WRONG! What you learn from your textbooks isn’t the only source of knowledge! Even those FAQs and “how to upload photo on Facebook” you Google are also considered as knowledge ;D If knowledge is that easy to require, why not learn something new about Islam, your God Allah or even our beloved Prophet Muhammad today?
"Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim." Truer words have never been spoken!
When the Quran began to be revealed, the first word of its first verse was 'Iqra' that is, read. Allah says:
"Read! In the Name of your Lord Who has created (all that exists). He has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood).
Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous. Who has taught (the writing) by the pen. He has taught man that which he knew not" (96: 1-5)
Knowledge is so important that seeking it is a COMMAND from God. He has given you the perfect “tools” to acquire knowledge.
"And Allaah has brought you out from the wombs of your mothers while you know nothing. And He gave you hearing, sight, and hearts that you might give thanks (to Allaah)" (16:78)
And by “tools”; yup, those are your senses! Wise them to the fullest to seek precious knowledge!
Since knowledge is LIMITLESS, how should we, Muslims, know which knowledge is best to acquire first? The most important knowledge that a Muslim must seek is the knowledge of “syirik / shirk” and all that relates to it. You must first learn and understand God and your religion, so know your priorities! Academic and wordly knowledge is as important as we need to live, and knowledge operates how we live (even methods of brushing our teeth requires knowledge, yes?)
And did you know that seeking knowledge is a form of Ibadaah? Paradise waits for knowledge seekers!
"Whoever follows a path in the pursuit of knowledge, Allaah will make a path to Paradise easy for him." (Al-Bukhaari)
Personally, I like gaining knowledge and information about Islam from the interwebz, especially from There are many credible and awesome speakers from all over the world, plus it's more entertaining to see visuals. Look around and you might find really good ones!
(I personality recommend UmmahFilms / Baba Ali - go Google!)
Last words: Don't stop seeking knowledge, even if takes you to China! Imagine yourself holding a BIG empty container or somesort, and each knowledge is represented by a piece of grain. Your mission is to fill up the container as much "grain", so don't ever give up on doing it and while you're at it - have fun!
"Invite to the Way of your Lord (Islam) with wisdom and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided." (16:125)
"Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining al-ma`roof [i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do] and forbidding al-Munkar [polytheism and disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden]. And it is they who are successful." (3:104)
"Amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar" is simply to tell others to do good and to stop others from doing bad.
There are many ways for modern Muslims to share and spread dakwah; why not utilize your smart phones, Facebook and the interwebz? Say you found a good video online; simply copy and paste the link on your Facebook status! Perhaps 1 out of 20 friends would actually click and watch it! Even if it's just one person, you have already reached a mission, which is to give dakwah
However, keep in mind that you need manners and the correct methods of doing dakwah. During my research, I found an interesting write-up on 12 ways to dakwah:
Insyallah it will guide us to be a good dakwah-doer!
And remember, before giving dakwah make sure you acquire the right knowledge!
I wish you dakwah-doers ALL THE BEST! Let's share and spread Dakwah to the society, and insyallah it will remind us to be better Muslims too
ve fist bumps! Show to the society and the non-muslims that we fasting Muslims are too, with energy!
Sure, as mere humans, we deal with everyday problems. From heart wrecking worldly problems to mood swings; it's the matter of how we deal with them. If you are troubled and or in despair, think of Allah. Turn to him, tell him all your problems and your needs, and insyallah He will help you, for He is Almighty.
Back to being active and positiveness in Ramadhan; remember the Bad'r war during Prophet Muhammad s.a.w's time? He and his warriors fought victoriously during Ramadhan. It proves that even when one is fasting, you can go through day even if you're in a challenging situation.
So for the next remaining days of Ramadhan, stay happy, active and positive.
"Yes! Whoever submits himself entirely to Allah and he is the doer of good (to others) he has his reward from his Lord, and there is no fear for him nor shall he grieve.” (2:112)
"Share gifts, spread love" (Abu Ya'la)
Giving gifts is special in Islam, and it doesn't only apply to certain occasions. Muslims are encouraged to give gifts to each other as that strengthens bond; all year round!
Giving gifts might be a simple thing, but there are proper etiquettes to it.
“Whoever does you a favour, respond in kind, and if you cannot find the means of doing so, then keep praying for him until you think that you have responded in kind.” (Abu Daawood) From this hadith sahih, we Muslims should know that:
- Respond kindly to the gift-giver, just as he treated you
- If you're unable to treat him in return, make dua' and pray for him
The best dua' that was thought is to say "Jazakullahu Khair" which means "May Allah reward you with good" to gift-givers.
There are many selection of gifts you can give to your family, peers, neighbours and your halal partner, but giving Islamic gifts (hijab for the ladies, book of reminders, modest clothing, etc) is the best as you're also doing your job as a righteous Muslim, which is to encourage Islam to other people!
And the most important thing is that, give gifts with upmost sincere niat!
So give gifts, spread love and strengthen bonds
"Share gifts, spread love" (Abu Ya'la)
Giving gifts is special in Islam, and it doesn't only apply to certain occasions. Muslims are encouraged to give gifts to each other as that strengthens bond; all year round!
Giving gifts might be a simple thing, but there are proper etiquettes to it.
“Whoever does you a favour, respond in kind, and if you cannot find the means of doing so, then keep praying for him until you think that you have responded in kind.” (Abu Daawood) From this hadith sahih, we Muslims should know that:
- Respond kindly to the gift-giver, just as he treated you
- If you're unable to treat him in return, make dua' and pray for him
The best dua' that was thought is to say "Jazakullahu Khair" which means "May Allah reward you with good" to gift-givers.
There are many selection of gifts you can give to your family, peers, neighbours and your halal partner, but giving Islamic gifts (hijab for the ladies, book of reminders, modest clothing, etc) is the best as you're also doing your job as a righteous Muslim, which is to encourage Islam to other people!
And the most important thing is that, give gifts with upmost sincere niat!
So give gifts, spread love and strengthen bonds
As humans, we encounter with problems and challenges every single day. We get
tested from the smallest issue (why won’t this computer start?!) to the
biggest, often very heart wrecking (losing someone beloved) . It’s the fact
that we cannot escape from it.
HOWEVER, there IS a method to counter these challenges! It’s called patience (sabr) .
The concept of patience is easy, once you’ve managed to grab hold of it. For example;
You’re looking for a job, and after some hard work, you manage to lock an interview with the Director. So happens that your best friend is also after the same job, but she gets the job instead of you.
Will you throw your resume away, make nasty remarks about it and put the blame on Allah? Or will you sit back, take a deep breath and make dua’s?
If you choose the latter, Allah would most probably grant you a bigger reward, insyallah. You might lose the job you wanted, but in return you would get a MUCH BETTER job in the future!
You may cry and be sorrow, but don’t ever curse and put the blame on Allah. He’s only testing you and if you can pass the level of patience, He will grant you with limitless reward. Proof:
“[...] Those who patiently persevere will truly receive a reward without measure!” (39:10)
Allah has mentioned patience more than seventy times in the Qur'an and has commanded patience in more than sixteen ways in His Book. That’s how important patience is for Muslims!
So remember my fellow Muslims; practice patience. It may be hard, but always think of Allah and make loads and loads of dua’s. Believe in the rewards He has promised you!
"Verily, with every difficulty there is relief." (94:5-6)
HOWEVER, there IS a method to counter these challenges! It’s called patience (sabr) .
The concept of patience is easy, once you’ve managed to grab hold of it. For example;
You’re looking for a job, and after some hard work, you manage to lock an interview with the Director. So happens that your best friend is also after the same job, but she gets the job instead of you.
Will you throw your resume away, make nasty remarks about it and put the blame on Allah? Or will you sit back, take a deep breath and make dua’s?
If you choose the latter, Allah would most probably grant you a bigger reward, insyallah. You might lose the job you wanted, but in return you would get a MUCH BETTER job in the future!
You may cry and be sorrow, but don’t ever curse and put the blame on Allah. He’s only testing you and if you can pass the level of patience, He will grant you with limitless reward. Proof:
“[...] Those who patiently persevere will truly receive a reward without measure!” (39:10)
Allah has mentioned patience more than seventy times in the Qur'an and has commanded patience in more than sixteen ways in His Book. That’s how important patience is for Muslims!
So remember my fellow Muslims; practice patience. It may be hard, but always think of Allah and make loads and loads of dua’s. Believe in the rewards He has promised you!
"Verily, with every difficulty there is relief." (94:5-6)
Tafseer (or tafsir) is to understand (the meanings) of the Quran. Many Muslims are only taught to read and memorize the Quran, but it's important to understand what the ayats and verses mean so that we can imply and practice them in our daily lives
As a non-Arabic speaker myself, I find it difficult to understand the meanings, especially in prayers. But that's not an excuse for us to escape from learning the tafseer of the Quran!
"This is a Book full of Blessings that we have revealed unto you so people ponder upon its verses and men of intellect may reflect." (38:29)
Many people assume that the Quran is the book of "No's and Don'ts" but that's not true at all! The Quran covers many aspects of human life, such as political, manners and many more! Being a "visual-oriented" person, I enjoy stories of the great Prophets most!
So get your friends or your family members, organize tafseer sessions with them! It's more fun, meaningful and educational to sit in a group and study about the beautiful words of Allah together.
Upon studying, make sure to get the correct interpretations of the Quran by referring to knowledgeable scholars and what not. There are many books and websites for that; you just need an extra effort to obtain them
Goodluck and have fun! Don't forget to spread the knowledge around!
Tafseer (or tafsir) is to understand (the meanings) of the Quran. Many Muslims are only taught to read and memorize the Quran, but it's important to understand what the ayats and verses mean so that we can imply and practice them in our daily lives
As a non-Arabic speaker myself, I find it difficult to understand the meanings, especially in prayers. But that's not an excuse for us to escape from learning the tafseer of the Quran!
"This is a Book full of Blessings that we have revealed unto you so people ponder upon its verses and men of intellect may reflect." (38:29)
Many people assume that the Quran is the book of "No's and Don'ts" but that's not true at all! The Quran covers many aspects of human life, such as political, manners and many more! Being a "visual-oriented" person, I enjoy stories of the great Prophets most!
So get your friends or your family members, organize tafseer sessions with them! It's more fun, meaningful and educational to sit in a group and study about the beautiful words of Allah together.
Upon studying, make sure to get the correct interpretations of the Quran by referring to knowledgeable scholars and what not. There are many books and websites for that; you just need an extra effort to obtain them
Goodluck and have fun! Don't forget to spread the knowledge around!
"It is He Who sends down manifest Ayat (signs, revelations) to His Slave Muhammad SAW that He may bring you out from darkness into light. And verily, Allah is to you full of kindness, Most Merciful" (57:9)
Honestly speaking, I get very, very emotional when it comes to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). I was a jahil to realize the things he has done for his ummat (people), but it hit me when I started studying about him, Subhanallah! Since then I grew to love him more and more each minute.
And we Muslims should too! In fact, we should love him MORE than we love our parents, and even our halal partners.
To love Prophet Muhammad s.a.w, we should learn about him. And to only love is not enough, we should also practice the guidance and examples he has shown us
Studying about him would increase our deen, insyallah. Let's all be righteous Muslims and follow his guidance, and we will meet this great man in Paradise
A couple of videos I'd like to share:
Maher Zain - The Chosen One
"It is He Who sends down manifest Ayat (signs, revelations) to His Slave Muhammad SAW that He may bring you out from darkness into light. And verily, Allah is to you full of kindness, Most Merciful" (57:9)
Honestly speaking, I get very, very emotional when it comes to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). I was a jahil to realize the things he has done for his ummat (people), but it hit me when I started studying about him, Subhanallah! Since then I grew to love him more and more each minute.
And we Muslims should too! In fact, we should love him MORE than we love our parents, and even our halal partners.
To love Prophet Muhammad s.a.w, we should learn about him. And to only love is not enough, we should also practice the guidance and examples he has shown us
Studying about him would increase our deen, insyallah. Let's all be righteous Muslims and follow his guidance, and we will meet this great man in Paradise
A couple of videos I'd like to share:
Maher Zain - The Chosen One
There's 10 Ramadhan days left! If you haven't ditched that game you've been
wasting on for the past 20 days; time for you to let it go and focus on the
last 10 days! Woot!
So it's the last 10 days, what should we Muslims do?
Make LONGER dua's!
Recite the Quran MORE and MORE!
Donate to the EXTREME!
Go to the mosque MORE!
Socialize LESS!
And most importantly;
Get your SINS completely WIPED OUT! Hi-yah!
In the last 10 days of Ramadhan, Muslims should seek the "Night of Power", or also known as "Lailatur Qadar" (we will go more in-depth about this later insyallah)
So stop wasting your precious, precious time and grab the opportunity! Wake your family members and friends, and invite them to increase their dee
So it's the last 10 days, what should we Muslims do?
Make LONGER dua's!
Recite the Quran MORE and MORE!
Donate to the EXTREME!
Go to the mosque MORE!
Socialize LESS!
And most importantly;
Get your SINS completely WIPED OUT! Hi-yah!
In the last 10 days of Ramadhan, Muslims should seek the "Night of Power", or also known as "Lailatur Qadar" (we will go more in-depth about this later insyallah)
So stop wasting your precious, precious time and grab the opportunity! Wake your family members and friends, and invite them to increase their dee
And as said by Prophet Muhammad s.a.w:
"Our Lord (glorified and exalted be He) descends each night to the earth's sky when there remains the final third of the night, and He says: Who is saying a prayer to Me that I may answer it? Who is asking something of Me that I may give it him? Who is asking forgiveness of Me that I may forgive him?" (Bukhari, Muslim, Malik, Ar-Tarmidhee, Abu Dawud)
From the hadith above, we should know that Allah comes down on every last third of every night (about 2~4am) and He asks us for us to demand wishes from Allah!
So imagine this; if you were asleep in your comfy bed, you'd miss the chance of asking God to grant your wishes. Awwwwesome!
So while the others are sleeping, make a point to wake up and do ibadah to Allah. Give your bed a chance to rest
Zakah (or zakat) is not purely about giving money or basic necessities (rice, dates) to the poor and needy, but it's also for purification purposes! It purifies the hearts from greedy and selfishness.
Zakah Eid-Fitri is obligatory and it needs to be paid before the end of Ramadhan. The purpose of the collection of Zakah... Eid-Fitri before Eid is to help the needy and the poor for their Eid preparation. Helping one another; ain't that beautiful?
"My mercy encompasses all things, but I will specify it for the righteous who give Zakat" (7:156)
So to you righteous Muslims, I urge you to pay zakah before the end of Ramadhan. For Malaysians, you may find many many Zakah "counters" in mosques, shopping malls and even in bazaars!
Upon giving your money, one should make sure that you're doing it for Allah and with most humbleness, not for show-off purposes. Think about the happy needy people you're gonna help, and most importantly, think about the awesome rewards you're gonna get from Allah from your good deed!
For further information on zakah Eid-Fitri, please refer to respectable scholars, or you can just simply Google it. Most Islamic websites on the net are trustworthy, insyallah
Zakah (or zakat) is not purely about giving money or basic necessities (rice, dates) to the poor and needy, but it's also for purification purposes! It purifies the hearts from greedy and selfishness.
Zakah Eid-Fitri is obligatory and it needs to be paid before the end of Ramadhan. The purpose of the collection of Zakah... Eid-Fitri before Eid is to help the needy and the poor for their Eid preparation. Helping one another; ain't that beautiful?
"My mercy encompasses all things, but I will specify it for the righteous who give Zakat" (7:156)
So to you righteous Muslims, I urge you to pay zakah before the end of Ramadhan. For Malaysians, you may find many many Zakah "counters" in mosques, shopping malls and even in bazaars!
Upon giving your money, one should make sure that you're doing it for Allah and with most humbleness, not for show-off purposes. Think about the happy needy people you're gonna help, and most importantly, think about the awesome rewards you're gonna get from Allah from your good deed!
For further information on zakah Eid-Fitri, please refer to respectable scholars, or you can just simply Google it. Most Islamic websites on the net are trustworthy, insyallah
So dear Muslim ladies and gents, when was the last time you had a private, one-one moment with Allah? Set a "date" with The Almighty, for He is available 24/7, all year round!
The most important one-on-one session is to seek repentance (taubah) from Him. We're bound to commit many sins for we are just mere humans, and there's nobody else that can forgive your sins other than Him, for He is Merciful.
"And seek forgiveness of Allah. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." (73:20)
To seek repentance is easy. You don't need to do bungee jumping or sacrifice a fluffy animal. All you need to do is these simple steps:
1. Be completely HONEST and SINCERE
2. Realise your sins and regret doing so
3. VOW and make a promise to God and to yourself that you'll never repeat the same sins. Be strong with this!
4. Continuously do good
Not only Allah will forgive and wipe away your sins, in addition, he will TURN all the sins you've done to deeds! Masyallah!
To end this, I'd like to share this really wonderful Hadith by Bukhari with all of you. Let's continuously do taubah so that we'll be better Muslims, insyallah.
"The master of invocations for forgiveness is that the servant says:
O' my Allah! You are my Lord, there is no 'Allah but You. You created me, and I am your bondservant, and I will stick to my covenant and promise [of faith and sincere obedience] to You, as to my ability. I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I have done, I acknowledge, to You, your bounties upon me, and I acknowledge, to You, my sin. Thus forgive me, for none forgives sins except You.
Whoever says this as he enters upon evening, then, dies that night, he would enter Paradise; and if one says this as he enters upon morning, then, dies that day, he would enter Paradise." [Al-Bukhari]
So dear Muslim ladies and gents, when was the last time you had a private, one-one moment with Allah? Set a "date" with The Almighty, for He is available 24/7, all year round!
The most important one-on-one session is to seek repentance (taubah) from Him. We're bound to commit many sins for we are just mere humans, and there's nobody else that can forgive your sins other than Him, for He is Merciful.
"And seek forgiveness of Allah. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." (73:20)
To seek repentance is easy. You don't need to do bungee jumping or sacrifice a fluffy animal. All you need to do is these simple steps:
1. Be completely HONEST and SINCERE
2. Realise your sins and regret doing so
3. VOW and make a promise to God and to yourself that you'll never repeat the same sins. Be strong with this!
4. Continuously do good
Not only Allah will forgive and wipe away your sins, in addition, he will TURN all the sins you've done to deeds! Masyallah!
To end this, I'd like to share this really wonderful Hadith by Bukhari with all of you. Let's continuously do taubah so that we'll be better Muslims, insyallah.
"The master of invocations for forgiveness is that the servant says:
O' my Allah! You are my Lord, there is no 'Allah but You. You created me, and I am your bondservant, and I will stick to my covenant and promise [of faith and sincere obedience] to You, as to my ability. I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I have done, I acknowledge, to You, your bounties upon me, and I acknowledge, to You, my sin. Thus forgive me, for none forgives sins except You.
Whoever says this as he enters upon evening, then, dies that night, he would enter Paradise; and if one says this as he enters upon morning, then, dies that day, he would enter Paradise." [Al-Bukhari]
It's (less than) 10 days of Ramadhan - which means:
Lailatul Qad'r is here! OMG! You must must MUST look forward to it!
Lailatul Qad'r, or also known as The Night of Power is special than many other nights in our 365 calendar because:
- It's a ONE NIGHT spiritual bless! Yes, for ONE NIGHT ONLY
- It was the day when the Quran was sent down to us
- It's BETTER than a thousand months (that's like, longer than an average human life span!)
- It's EXCLUSIVE. It's only given to Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) ummah, namely us!
So put on your Jihad mode (Jihad for Allah, mind you), and find Lailatul Qad'r! Wake up from your sleep and do extra ibadaah!
It's been said that Lailatul Qadar happens in the odd (nights) from the last ten (nights) of Ramadhan. So it's could be on the night of 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th or 29th. That's the closest clue we could get, so work hard for ALL nights!
May Allah reward us with His limitless, bountiful blessings
It's (less than) 10 days of Ramadhan - which means:
Lailatul Qad'r is here! OMG! You must must MUST look forward to it!
Lailatul Qad'r, or also known as The Night of Power is special than many other nights in our 365 calendar because:
- It's a ONE NIGHT spiritual bless! Yes, for ONE NIGHT ONLY
- It was the day when the Quran was sent down to us
- It's BETTER than a thousand months (that's like, longer than an average human life span!)
- It's EXCLUSIVE. It's only given to Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) ummah, namely us!
So put on your Jihad mode (Jihad for Allah, mind you), and find Lailatul Qad'r! Wake up from your sleep and do extra ibadaah!
It's been said that Lailatul Qadar happens in the odd (nights) from the last ten (nights) of Ramadhan. So it's could be on the night of 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th or 29th. That's the closest clue we could get, so work hard for ALL nights!
May Allah reward us with His limitless, bountiful blessings
DAY 25
Iktikaf is a spiritual retreat at the mosque for a certain time, often done during the last 10 days of Ramadhan. “Spiritual retreat” here basically means taking a holiday from all those work, leisure and real life and focus on Allah and ibadaah only.
To do iktikaf, one should enter the mosque before Maghrib, and stay on after Subuh prayers. The goal is to TOTALLY focus on Allah! Mosques are sacred places, so it’s the best place for you to make loads of dua’s, make sunnat prayers, hear takzirahs, wirid, dhikir and NOT to socialize, play games or browse Facebook on your smart phones or SLEEP! If you want to sleep, you can always sleep at home!
There are many hadiths and words/opinions of many scholars regarding the places of iktikaf (too many references to add, try Googling tho!) but they have listed 3:
The top 3 mosques:
1. Masjidil Haram (Mecca), Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)’s Mosque (Madinah) and Masjidil Al-Aqsa (Jerusalem).
2. Any mosque other than the 3 listed above
3. Your own home
Either way, iktikaf is a holy form of ibadaah, and it should be done to solely please Allah and seek refuge of him.
"(The Prophet pbuh) used to perform i'tikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan until Allah the Mighty and Majestic, took him.” (Bukhari and Muslim)
Iktikaf is a spiritual retreat at the mosque for a certain time, often done during the last 10 days of Ramadhan. “Spiritual retreat” here basically means taking a holiday from all those work, leisure and real life and focus on Allah and ibadaah only.
To do iktikaf, one should enter the mosque before Maghrib, and stay on after Subuh prayers. The goal is to TOTALLY focus on Allah! Mosques are sacred places, so it’s the best place for you to make loads of dua’s, make sunnat prayers, hear takzirahs, wirid, dhikir and NOT to socialize, play games or browse Facebook on your smart phones or SLEEP! If you want to sleep, you can always sleep at home!
There are many hadiths and words/opinions of many scholars regarding the places of iktikaf (too many references to add, try Googling tho!) but they have listed 3:
The top 3 mosques:
1. Masjidil Haram (Mecca), Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)’s Mosque (Madinah) and Masjidil Al-Aqsa (Jerusalem).
2. Any mosque other than the 3 listed above
3. Your own home
Either way, iktikaf is a holy form of ibadaah, and it should be done to solely please Allah and seek refuge of him.
"(The Prophet pbuh) used to perform i'tikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan until Allah the Mighty and Majestic, took him.” (Bukhari and Muslim)
Do you often hear, or read statuses or blog entries from people, asking for you to remember them in your dua’? If you do – MAKE DUA’ for them!
Remembering others in your dua’ in very noble, as Muslims should always be concerned and kind to other people, especially Muslims. Being selfish and not make dua’ for others won’t gain you anything, right?
A beautiful hadith by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) regarding making dua’ for others:
“The dua' that gets the quickest answer is the one made by one Muslim for another in his absence.” (Abu Dau’d and Tarmidhee)
And so, my fellow Muslims Bros and Sisters, the next time someone asks for you to make dua’ for them, make it with full sincerity and hope that the dua’ will be granted for him or her. It’s also very noble for Muslims to always make dua’s for others, even if they do not ask for it, so always remember others in your dua’! Insyallah God will be pleased with you
Do you often hear, or read statuses or blog entries from people, asking for you to remember them in your dua’? If you do – MAKE DUA’ for them!
Remembering others in your dua’ in very noble, as Muslims should always be concerned and kind to other people, especially Muslims. Being selfish and not make dua’ for others won’t gain you anything, right?
A beautiful hadith by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) regarding making dua’ for others:
“The dua' that gets the quickest answer is the one made by one Muslim for another in his absence.” (Abu Dau’d and Tarmidhee)
And so, my fellow Muslims Bros and Sisters, the next time someone asks for you to make dua’ for them, make it with full sincerity and hope that the dua’ will be granted for him or her. It’s also very noble for Muslims to always make dua’s for others, even if they do not ask for it, so always remember others in your dua’! Insyallah God will be pleased with you
"Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and that you be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in thy life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honor." (17:23).
Parents in Islam play a MAJOR role in Islam. In the Quran verse above, Allah has commanded every child to be kind to their parents Honouring parents can be considered as an ibadaah if the intention is to please Allah, the Al-Mighty.
Words alone fail to prove how awesome and beautiful parents are! Sure, they nag you or order you around against your own selfish principles or make you listen to stuff you don’t want to, but one cannot deny that they love and cherish you (after Allah and Prophet Muhammad pbuh)
True, righteous Muslim parents would want their kids to attain happy and successful lives in this world, but wanting their precious beings to succeed in the hearafter is MORE! Deep in their hearts, they want their children to enter Paradise with them. So pray to Allah for our parents to enter Paradise, AMIN.
If you still have your parents around, consider yourself very lucky! Many children do not have the same privilege or opportunity to meet, grow or love their parents, for some may have passed away and gone to Allah.
To those who no longer have your parents around, do not be sad! Allah has promised that you will be with your parents and loved ones in Paradise. Continue making dua’ for them, for them to have their sins wiped and be granted Paradise.
In a hadith by Sahih Muslim, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) taught that three things continue to benefit a [believing] person even after death :
1. Charity which he had given (which continues to benefit others)
2. Beneficial knowledge which he had left behind (i.e. authored or taught)
3. Dua’ on his behalf by a righteous child
Remember, to prove your love to your parents is not to score straight A’s in your exams or to be able to buy castles for them. They would need your dua’, and that is the best gift for you to give to your parents
"My Lord, bestow on them Your mercy even as they cherished me in childhood." (17:24)
"Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and that you be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in thy life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honor." (17:23).
Parents in Islam play a MAJOR role in Islam. In the Quran verse above, Allah has commanded every child to be kind to their parents Honouring parents can be considered as an ibadaah if the intention is to please Allah, the Al-Mighty.
Words alone fail to prove how awesome and beautiful parents are! Sure, they nag you or order you around against your own selfish principles or make you listen to stuff you don’t want to, but one cannot deny that they love and cherish you (after Allah and Prophet Muhammad pbuh)
True, righteous Muslim parents would want their kids to attain happy and successful lives in this world, but wanting their precious beings to succeed in the hearafter is MORE! Deep in their hearts, they want their children to enter Paradise with them. So pray to Allah for our parents to enter Paradise, AMIN.
If you still have your parents around, consider yourself very lucky! Many children do not have the same privilege or opportunity to meet, grow or love their parents, for some may have passed away and gone to Allah.
To those who no longer have your parents around, do not be sad! Allah has promised that you will be with your parents and loved ones in Paradise. Continue making dua’ for them, for them to have their sins wiped and be granted Paradise.
In a hadith by Sahih Muslim, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) taught that three things continue to benefit a [believing] person even after death :
1. Charity which he had given (which continues to benefit others)
2. Beneficial knowledge which he had left behind (i.e. authored or taught)
3. Dua’ on his behalf by a righteous child
Remember, to prove your love to your parents is not to score straight A’s in your exams or to be able to buy castles for them. They would need your dua’, and that is the best gift for you to give to your parents
"My Lord, bestow on them Your mercy even as they cherished me in childhood." (17:24)
OMG, it’s Eid! Muslims, rejoice! For Eid is celebration for the victorious ones (the ones who fasts during Ramadhan)!
Personally, I have these mixed feelings of sadness and joy. I’m extremely sadden by the fact that Ramadhan is leaving! The Devils would be out again, even smokers would be roaming out in the streets during the day… and the chance to obtain many “free” rewards given by Allah is ending soon!
But on the other hand, I’m very much excited that it’s going to be Eid, because it’s one of the two greatest celebrations that is celebrated by Muslims! No doubt it’s the time for sillaturahim, yummy home cooked food and colours all around! (Did I mention home cooked food? And cookies? Omnomnom)
Although some are very fortunate to celebrate Eid in a blessed, happy mood, some might not be very unfortunate for many reasons. Even so, be strong, make loads of dua’ and remember Eid’ in your hearts! Allah will always be with you whenever you may be, insyallah.
Since most of my readers are Malaysians, I would like to touch on some Eid “rituals” that many locals tend to do… without realizing the true meaning of Eid. Sadly in Malaysia, many put culture ahead of religion, this abandoning the syariaah of Islam.
So here are some reminders on how to celebrate Eid – the Islamic way! I hope this will benefit us in some way or another.
1. Start your Eid by going to the mosque to do Eid prayers! Not only the dudes, even the ladies are COMMANDED to go to the mosque to join in the victory, even if you are in your menses!
“The Messenger of Allah commanded us to bring out on Eid-al-Fitr and Eid-al-Adha, young women, hijab-observing adult women and the menstruating women. The menstruating women stayed out of actual Salaat but participated in good deeds and Dua’” (Muslim). So leave your cooking behind and pray solattul Eid!
2. To the ladies, if you’re planning to go to the mosque to pray (which is good!), I beg you, please do not any make up or perfume on! You are encouraged to wear the nicest clothes, but make-up and perfume in the mosque? Seriously?! You are there to please Allah, not to please the men!
3. Offering salams to others. Have you noticed how Malaysians LIKE to go around, shaking hands with random people and say “Selamat Hari Raya!”? At most times, you don’t even know who the dudes you shook hands with! Fellow Muslims, remember that touching non-mahrams is HARAM in Islam, and you should avoid shaking hands with them! If they offer to shake hands with you, decline politely and if possible, educate them at the same time.
4. What do you usually get upon visiting people from houses to houses? FOOD! So this is to remind you to not waste food, and eat moderately. Plan ahead before scooping that yummy “rendang” in your plate to avoid unnecessary wastage.
5. Don’t forget your 5 daily prayers! Many tend to “forget” them with all the busy-ness of celebrating, so avoid that and keep your prayers in tact!
6. Last but not least, observe 6 days fasting after Ramadhan! The reward is aweeesome!
“Whoever fasts Ramadan, and then six days after Eid, it is [like fasting] an entire year. Whoever does a good deed shall have ten times its reward.” (Ibn Majah, Muntaqa)
So remember to keep your Eid as Islamic as possible, for it is a holy celebration and should not be tainted with cultural rituals.
Eid Mubarrak everyone !
OMG, it’s Eid! Muslims, rejoice! For Eid is celebration for the victorious ones (the ones who fasts during Ramadhan)!
Personally, I have these mixed feelings of sadness and joy. I’m extremely sadden by the fact that Ramadhan is leaving! The Devils would be out again, even smokers would be roaming out in the streets during the day… and the chance to obtain many “free” rewards given by Allah is ending soon!
But on the other hand, I’m very much excited that it’s going to be Eid, because it’s one of the two greatest celebrations that is celebrated by Muslims! No doubt it’s the time for sillaturahim, yummy home cooked food and colours all around! (Did I mention home cooked food? And cookies? Omnomnom)
Although some are very fortunate to celebrate Eid in a blessed, happy mood, some might not be very unfortunate for many reasons. Even so, be strong, make loads of dua’ and remember Eid’ in your hearts! Allah will always be with you whenever you may be, insyallah.
Since most of my readers are Malaysians, I would like to touch on some Eid “rituals” that many locals tend to do… without realizing the true meaning of Eid. Sadly in Malaysia, many put culture ahead of religion, this abandoning the syariaah of Islam.
So here are some reminders on how to celebrate Eid – the Islamic way! I hope this will benefit us in some way or another.
1. Start your Eid by going to the mosque to do Eid prayers! Not only the dudes, even the ladies are COMMANDED to go to the mosque to join in the victory, even if you are in your menses!
“The Messenger of Allah commanded us to bring out on Eid-al-Fitr and Eid-al-Adha, young women, hijab-observing adult women and the menstruating women. The menstruating women stayed out of actual Salaat but participated in good deeds and Dua’” (Muslim). So leave your cooking behind and pray solattul Eid!
2. To the ladies, if you’re planning to go to the mosque to pray (which is good!), I beg you, please do not any make up or perfume on! You are encouraged to wear the nicest clothes, but make-up and perfume in the mosque? Seriously?! You are there to please Allah, not to please the men!
3. Offering salams to others. Have you noticed how Malaysians LIKE to go around, shaking hands with random people and say “Selamat Hari Raya!”? At most times, you don’t even know who the dudes you shook hands with! Fellow Muslims, remember that touching non-mahrams is HARAM in Islam, and you should avoid shaking hands with them! If they offer to shake hands with you, decline politely and if possible, educate them at the same time.
4. What do you usually get upon visiting people from houses to houses? FOOD! So this is to remind you to not waste food, and eat moderately. Plan ahead before scooping that yummy “rendang” in your plate to avoid unnecessary wastage.
5. Don’t forget your 5 daily prayers! Many tend to “forget” them with all the busy-ness of celebrating, so avoid that and keep your prayers in tact!
6. Last but not least, observe 6 days fasting after Ramadhan! The reward is aweeesome!
“Whoever fasts Ramadan, and then six days after Eid, it is [like fasting] an entire year. Whoever does a good deed shall have ten times its reward.” (Ibn Majah, Muntaqa)
So remember to keep your Eid as Islamic as possible, for it is a holy celebration and should not be tainted with cultural rituals.
Eid Mubarrak everyone !
Muhasabah is to have an HONEST assessment of yourself. As mere humans, we should always find ways to improve ourselves in actions and words, so muhasabah is one way for a self-upgrade. Muslims are encouraged to do this noble act all the time, but for Ramadhan, it’s special.
So it’s the end of Ramadhan. Are you happy because it’s finally ending? Or are you sad because you haven’t done enough ibadaah?
Sit down, clear your mind and assess yourself of what you’ve done in Ramadhan.
- Did I read atleast one page of Quran every day?
- Did I manage to khatam (finish) the Quran before Syawal?
- Did I manage to keep my 5 prayers intact?
- Did I do any solattul sunnat?
- Did I manage to not utter bad, vulgar words and keep my mouth guarded?
- Did I manage to treat people with upmost kindness and love?
- Did I wake up and night and pray when everybody else is sleeping?
- Did I give sedekah to the needy?
- Did I spend my Ramadhan days with ibadaah and not wordly entertainment?
- Did I do a good job by doing terawikh prayers?
So on and so forth.
If you answered YES to most of the questions; May Allah accept your deeds and reward you limitlessly (Amin). And if you answered NO to most of the questions… perhaps you should make an effort to make your Ramadhan meaningful next year, insyallah.
"Truly he has succeeded who purifies it (soul). And truly, he has failed who defiles it" (91:9-10)
Muhasabah is to have an HONEST assessment of yourself. As mere humans, we should always find ways to improve ourselves in actions and words, so muhasabah is one way for a self-upgrade. Muslims are encouraged to do this noble act all the time, but for Ramadhan, it’s special.
So it’s the end of Ramadhan. Are you happy because it’s finally ending? Or are you sad because you haven’t done enough ibadaah?
Sit down, clear your mind and assess yourself of what you’ve done in Ramadhan.
- Did I read atleast one page of Quran every day?
- Did I manage to khatam (finish) the Quran before Syawal?
- Did I manage to keep my 5 prayers intact?
- Did I do any solattul sunnat?
- Did I manage to not utter bad, vulgar words and keep my mouth guarded?
- Did I manage to treat people with upmost kindness and love?
- Did I wake up and night and pray when everybody else is sleeping?
- Did I give sedekah to the needy?
- Did I spend my Ramadhan days with ibadaah and not wordly entertainment?
- Did I do a good job by doing terawikh prayers?
So on and so forth.
If you answered YES to most of the questions; May Allah accept your deeds and reward you limitlessly (Amin). And if you answered NO to most of the questions… perhaps you should make an effort to make your Ramadhan meaningful next year, insyallah.
"Truly he has succeeded who purifies it (soul). And truly, he has failed who defiles it" (91:9-10)
Subhanallah! It’s the end of Ramadhan without us realizing!
Istiqamah is an important concept of Islam. It means to be straight, to follow the straight path, to remain firm on one’s principles and not to give up under difficulties or challenges.
Istiqamah (after) Ramadhan however, simply means consistent and steadfast commitment in ibadah, and CONTINUE all the good deeds and “sunnah” actions that you have done in Ramadhan.
For example, if you have been reading Quran everyday during Ramadhan, istiqamah and continue reading the Quran even if it’s not Ramadhan!
And for ladies, if you had an effort to hijjab yourself doing Ramadhan, why not continue? Why take it off when Ramadhan is over?
Personally I find it hard to continue some of the deeds that I usually do in Ramadhan, but I’d remind myself that QUALITY is BETTER than QUANTITY! You don’t need to do everything at once if you’re unable to, but do it slowly and hope to Allah that He’ll reward him for your ibadaah
Here are some tips on how to achieve istiqamah in ibadaah. Try it!
1. Gain knowledge! Knowledge (spiritual included) helps one to understand and further strengthen his or her ibadaah. With that acquired knowledge, one would better understand the ways, mission, rewards and background story of that ibadaah.
2. Befriend those who seek istiqamah. Friendship in Islam is a MAJOR importance. If you mix with the correct, righteous companions, you will continuously be motivated to do ibadaah because you share the same mission, which is to please Allah. However, if you mix with the wrong crowd, you’ll just end up deeper and deeper in the darkness. Remember, bad friends will never advice you to do good or to please God because they themselves do not commit to their religion!
3. Fight that nafs’! Fight fight fight! When Ramadhan is over, the Devils are out and free again. They will continuously whisper and tell you to do bad things and displease Allah. With that, have a strong deen and fight!
4. Make Dua’. Loads and loads of Dua’! Pray to Allah to strengthen your deen, and for you to always be guided to the right path. Without Allah’s help and mercy, we are nothing but helpless, tiny beings. Remember that God is the only one we Muslims should turn to.
So make a promise to yourself and istiqamah! May we become better Muslims and be granted Paradise
Subhanallah! It’s the end of Ramadhan without us realizing!
Istiqamah is an important concept of Islam. It means to be straight, to follow the straight path, to remain firm on one’s principles and not to give up under difficulties or challenges.
Istiqamah (after) Ramadhan however, simply means consistent and steadfast commitment in ibadah, and CONTINUE all the good deeds and “sunnah” actions that you have done in Ramadhan.
For example, if you have been reading Quran everyday during Ramadhan, istiqamah and continue reading the Quran even if it’s not Ramadhan!
And for ladies, if you had an effort to hijjab yourself doing Ramadhan, why not continue? Why take it off when Ramadhan is over?
Personally I find it hard to continue some of the deeds that I usually do in Ramadhan, but I’d remind myself that QUALITY is BETTER than QUANTITY! You don’t need to do everything at once if you’re unable to, but do it slowly and hope to Allah that He’ll reward him for your ibadaah
Here are some tips on how to achieve istiqamah in ibadaah. Try it!
1. Gain knowledge! Knowledge (spiritual included) helps one to understand and further strengthen his or her ibadaah. With that acquired knowledge, one would better understand the ways, mission, rewards and background story of that ibadaah.
2. Befriend those who seek istiqamah. Friendship in Islam is a MAJOR importance. If you mix with the correct, righteous companions, you will continuously be motivated to do ibadaah because you share the same mission, which is to please Allah. However, if you mix with the wrong crowd, you’ll just end up deeper and deeper in the darkness. Remember, bad friends will never advice you to do good or to please God because they themselves do not commit to their religion!
3. Fight that nafs’! Fight fight fight! When Ramadhan is over, the Devils are out and free again. They will continuously whisper and tell you to do bad things and displease Allah. With that, have a strong deen and fight!
4. Make Dua’. Loads and loads of Dua’! Pray to Allah to strengthen your deen, and for you to always be guided to the right path. Without Allah’s help and mercy, we are nothing but helpless, tiny beings. Remember that God is the only one we Muslims should turn to.
So make a promise to yourself and istiqamah! May we become better Muslims and be granted Paradise